Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
Live Traffic NSW
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
Lodgement of all Development Applications (DAs), Complying Development Certificates (CDCs), Construction Certificates and Section 68 Local Government Approvals must be via the NSW Planning Portal.
Lodgement of DA’s, CDCs, Constructions Certificates and Section 68 Local Government Approvals will no longer be accepted over the counter or via email.
If you have a Construction Certificate that requires an Occupation Certificate or maybe wish to modify an existing Development Consent it is now mandatory that these applications also be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal. For example if you applied for a Construction Certificate in 2018 and wish to obtain an Occupation Certificate this must be submitted to Council through the NSW Planning Portal.
For more information and to lodge your application please click on the “Approvals” tab below.
Greater Hume Council uses electronic lodgement of all applications through the NSW Planning Portal.
There are many things to consider before starting construction such as whether you require Council approval. Most building works or renovations will require Council approval before work can start.
Find out the requirements for planning permits in Greater Hume.
Forms relating to building and development can be accessed here.
There are many things to consider when subdividing, find out what approvals you will need for your proposed subdivision and civil works.