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Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
Each year Holbrook Sheep and Wool Fair attracts stud sheep breeders and more than 150 secondary school students from throughout the Riverina, southern NSW and Victoria.
The first day of the fair is Schools' Day and is dedicated to educational workshops for participating schools, before they compete with their school sheep in the Schools' Interbreed Competition.
Thursday is the Open Sheep Competitions between the different breeds and the judging of fleeces. It concludes on the Friday morning with the Open Sheep Interbreed classes.
Various Judging Competitions are also conducted throughout the event. These consist of novice and senior sections for Merino Sheep, Meat Breed Sheep and Fleece Judging. The Holbrook Sheep and Wool Fair also hosts the Riverina Group Final of the Meat Sheep Judging Competition, with the winner and runner-up qualifying to represent the Riverina at the State Final of this hotly-contested competition.
Holbrook Sporting Complex, 186 Bowler Street, Holbrook, 2644, View Map
186 Bowler Street , Holbrook 2644