Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
Live Traffic NSW
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
This section is provided to assist in the planning process of an event within Greater Hume Council.
Click here to download a copy of the Events Guide.(PDF, 98KB)
Contact 02 6036 2422 or for further information.
When organising an event, whether it’s a meeting, conference, festival or party, there are a few small considerations to ensure it can be enjoyed by everybody.
If your event falls under any level of Council ownership, approval is required from Council and in addition there may be multiple approvals from other Government Departments required dependant on the nature of your event.
All forms and examples of completed forms needed to submit your event.
To achieve a successful event, organisers need to have a significant level of responsibility and an obligation to the public as much as the participants for their health and safety.
Lists of local facilites, media contacts and entertainers to help support and host your next event.
Effective marketing and promotion requires planning and consideration to identify target markets and how to attract audiences.
As the Event Organiser you are responsible for the safety of everyone that may be affected through the delivery of your event. It is important to ensure that key stakeholders are involved in identifying risk areas
The Greater Hume events guide is provided to assist in the planning process of an event within Greater Hume Council.