Notification and Registration
If you are setting up a new hairdressing, beauty therapy, body piercing or tattooing premises or are a business that provides these services, or you are purchasing an existing business that provides this service, you will need to contact Council and advise us of your intention to commence trading. This includes whether you are operating from a fixed commercial premises, home occupation or mobile operation.
You will be required to register your business with Council. Details such as the business name, address of the premises from which you will be operating, your postal address and the name of the owner/operator are required to be provided.
Complete the Registered Premises Commencement/Change of Premises Registration Form below. If you have taken over a business or details of your business details have changed, complete the same form below. Penalties may apply if skin penetration operators fail to notify Council of their business details.
If you establishing a new commercial premises or undertaking a home occupation, you may also be required to apply for a Development Consent from Council. Refer to the Building and Planning section on this website or contact the Planning and Environment team on T: 02 6036 0100.
Anyone who performs body art tattooing procedures for a fee or reward, or operates a body art tattooing business in NSW will also need to be licensed with the Department of Fair Trading.
Simple steps to register your business include:
- Check whether you need Development Consent from Council (if establishing a new premises or home occupation). Refer to the Building and Planning section of this website or contact Council’s Planning and Environment team on T: 02 6036 0100.
- Complete the Registered Premises Commencement/Change of Premises Registration Form below.
- Organise an inspection with the Environmental Health Officer prior to opening your new business.