Council News from August 2021 Meeting

Published on 26 August 2021

The meeting was recorded and available for viewing on Council’s website  

Business dealt with at the meeting included:

Council resolved to strongly support the establishment of a four bay RFS Brigade station at the Gerogery Recreation Reserve.

Council resolved to approve a 2 lot subdivision at 60 Wallace Street Holbrook subject to 11 conditions.

With the postponement of the Local Government elections, Cr Heather Wilton will continue in the position of Mayor until the 4 December elections, however an election for the position of Deputy Mayor will be required at the September meeting. Further the following meeting schedule was adopted for the period September 2021 – January 2022:

  • Wednesday 15 September 2021
  • Wednesday 13 October 2021
  • Wednesday 10 November 2021
  • Wednesday 1 December 2021
  • Week commencing 10 January 2022

Community grants from the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF) have been approved to the value of $26,190.36 have been approved for the Wantagong and Wymah/Bowna RFS Brigades along with Holbrook Meals on Wheels.

Council will contribute $600 to the Southern Sports Academy for the 2021/2022 year to support three local athletes that are attending the Academy.

The Community Engagement Strategy for the Community Strategic Plan Review was approved. The strategy outlines various ways the community can engage with Council to assist in the review and development of the Community Strategic Plan. Council will be seeking feedback from a variety of stakeholders to understand the key priorities for the shire.

Council approved the relocation of the Holbrook Community Garden from St Patricks School to public land adjacent to the Holbrook Library complex. A management committee will be established to oversee the management and operation of the garden.

Council noted the report on the 2017-2022 Delivery Plan / 2020-2021 Operational Plan. The report highlighted various achievements of Council for the period 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021.

Greater Hume Council are an active member of the Murray Taskforce for the NSW Growing Regions of Welcome Pilot program. The taskforce will guide the strategic approach to newcomer attraction and retention, community welcome, employment and support service coordination.

Council has appointed Fulton-Hogan to the Spray Sealing Works for Greater Hume and Lockhart at a cost of $1,747,867.08 exc. GST.

Meeting agendas and minutes are available for viewing at any time on Council’s website.

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If you have friends and family visiting go to to be inspired and plan your day with lots of suggested tours and activities.

Cr Heather Wilton     Mayor                 

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