Council News from February 2022 Meeting

Published on 17 February 2022

The meeting was recorded and available for viewing on Council’s website

Business dealt with at the 16 February 2022 meeting included:

Council will write to Albury City Council seeking re-establishment of the Lavington to Jindera Shared Path Working Group and investigate funding opportunities to undertake a feasibility study.

It was resolved that Council will seek support from the Hon. Sussan Ley MP, Member for Farrer to coordinate a meeting with the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Communication in relation to the poor mobile phone service throughout the Greater Hume Council area.

Council endorsed the submission made to the exhibition of the Draft State Significant Agricultural Land Map.

Council granted an extension of the swimming season at the Holbrook Pool to 20 March 2022, due to the need for a closure to undertake an abnormal clean earlier in the swimming season. The pool will be available to competitive swimmers training for events until 31 March on the provision that a qualified lifeguard provides supervision on a volunteer basis.

Council approved the Development Application (DA10.2021.72.1) for a service station, signage, landscaping and associated infrastructure on land described as Lots 1, 2 and 3 in DP12560 at Railway Parade and Sladen Street East subject to 56 conditions.

Council endorsed the draft Code of Meeting Practice, which will be advertised on Council website for public comment for a 28 day period commencing Monday 21 February.

Council agreed to allocate the $56,754 remaining from the Henty Town Improvement Reserve to the Henty Sportsground Function Room extensions and refurbishment project.

Council endorsed the draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor and Councillors Policy, which will be advertised on Council website for public comment for a 28 day period commencing Monday 21 February.

A proposal for a major drainage structure on Jindera-Walla Walla Road, Walla Walla was accepted. The construction of the culvert under the Jindera-Walla Walla Road will be included in Council’s 2022/23 budget.

Council agreed to the sale of 3613m2 on the corner of Pioneer Drive and Jindera St, Jindera to the Lutheran Church for $230,000 (inc. GST). The proceeds from the sale will be allocated to the construction of the eastern side of Jindera St.

Council will include Ashley Lane, Culcairn as part of the next Road Strategy Review and will undertake works to minimize future flooding of access. 


Business dealt with at the 2 February 2022 extraordinary meeting included:

The Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program – Round 3 funds will include the following allocations, $1.25M to the replacement of the Jindera Swimming Pool shell subject to a further report to Council on any possible treatments that may remedy the structural issues with the existing pool shell. Additionally the remainder of the available funds, $1,038,350 will be allocated to the Balfour Street drainage project.

Council approved the recruitment of an additional town planning staff member and administration support for the Environment and Planning Department.  


Meeting agendas and minutes are available for viewing at any time here on Council’s website

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Cr Tony Quinn | Mayor


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