Proposed Road Closing under Section 38B Roads Act 1993

Published on 07 October 2021

In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Greater Hume Council proposes to close the council public road listed in Schedule 1. 
Schedule 1: 
  •  The section of unused road separating Lot 2 DP 554393 from Lot 1 DP 1246838, Culcairn.

Upon closure of the road, council intends to sell the land to an adjoining land owner. 

All interested persons are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal to the General Manager, Greater Hume Council, PO Box 99, Holbrook NSW 2644. Submissions close 9am Monday 8 November 2021. Please note that under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, such submissions may be referred to third parties for consideration. 
Once the submission period is completed, Greater Hume Council will consider all duly made submissions before deciding whether to continue with the road closure proposal. 
Should you require further assistance in relation to this matter please contact Council's Manager Corporate Services, Suzanne Klemke T: 02 6036 0116


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