Tender - TL07-2021/2022 Bridge Replacement Wantagong Straight
Published on 04 November 2021
In accordance with Clause 166 of the Local Government Regulation 2005, Greater Hume Shire Council is formally requesting prices from suitably qualified and experienced persons or companies for the following works: Tender TL07-2021/2022 Bridge Replacement Wantagong Straight.
The works area is situated on Jingellic Road between Holbrook and Lankeys Creek at the locality of Wantagong.
The contract scope addresses deficiencies in 5 bridges/culverts that do not meet current standards of load capacity and width. The works site is on a significant rural road and works will have to proceed without closure of Jingellic Road.
Further, the works takes place on waterways controlled by NSW Fisheries and it is a condition of being awarded this contract that the successful tenderer seeks and is granted all relevant Works on Waterway permits as required by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
The contract duration will commence from the date of issue of the relevant Works on Waterway permit(s).
A non-compulsory pre-tender meet will be held on site at 2:00 pm on Thursday 11 November 2021.
Tenderers are strongly urged to attend this meeting however site inspections may be made at any time to inspect the site before tendering.
Tenders close at 2pm on Thursday 9 DECEMBER, 2021.
Tender documents may be downloaded, following online registration, from Councils E-Tendering Portal www.tenderlink.com/greaterhume.
All tenders are to be submitted in accordance with the instructions as set out in the tender documents and be completely uploaded into the Electronic Tender Portal Box at Councils E-Tendering portal at www.tenderlink.com/greaterhume by the date stated for the tender.
Enquiries in relation to this tender should be submitted via the online forum on the E-Tendering Portal www.tenderlink.com/greaterhume.
Project contact Andrew Walls: awalls@greaterhume.nsw.gov.au.
Canvassing of Councillors or Council staff will disqualify prospective tenderers. Late tenders or tenders received by any other means will not be considered.