Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
Live Traffic NSW
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
To lodge your Development Application, Construction Certificate, Complying Development Certificate or Section 68 Local Government Approvals you will need to submit these applications through the NSW Planning Portal.
Information on swimming pool approvals
Information on Plumbing approvals.
Compliance of all existing Onsite Sewerage Management Systems, upgrades and pre-sale inspections are overseen by Councils Rangers. Lodgement of these applications must be through the NSW Planning Portal.
A guide to the building approvals process.
Advice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 4.48 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the purpose of activating Section 4.59 of the Act, that the following applications were determined during the months listed in calendar order.