Plumbing and Drainage - Reticulated
There are two regulating bodies for plumbing and drainage, Greater Hume Council and Riverina Water County Council.
Approval is required for all plumbing and drainage connections to services within Greater Hume Council.
Greater Hume Council is the regulating authority for water connections in the following towns and surrounding areas: -
- Brocklesby
- Burrumbuttock
- Culcairn
- Gerogery and
- Jindera
Approvals for connection to Council’s Assets for the above townships and some rural areas in between must be submitted to Greater Hume Council, via the NSW Planning Portal as a Section 68 Approval.
A separate application will need to be submitted to Council for Water Supply Connection by using the form below and can be emailed to E: This form will be directed to Councils Engineering Department for approval.
Sewer and Storm Water
Greater Hume Council is responsible for all sewer and storm water connections in all townships and surrounding areas. Approval to connect to Councils Sewer and Stormwater must be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal as a Section 68 approval.
If your property is not able to connect to a mains sewer line you will be required to install an Onsite Sewerage Management System (OSMS). All applications for OSSMs will need to be submitted to Council via the NSW Planning Portal as a Section 68 Approval.
Rainwater Tanks
If your dwelling is unable to be connected to a reticulated system Greater Hume Council is the regulator for the installation of rainwater tanks for the storage of potable drinking water. An approval must be obtained prior to installation.
Riverina Water County Council
Riverina Water County Council is the regulating authority for water in the following towns and surrounding areas:-
- Holbrook
- Henty
- Walla Walla
- Walbundrie
- Woomargama and
- Morven
If you are applying for Development Consent/CDC in any of these areas you will also need to obtain approval from Riverina Water for connection to their services.
Riverina Water - Guides Resources
Riverina Water - Forms Applications
However it’s not just townships that are serviced by Riverina Water it is also some farm houses as well, for a detailed map of what areas are serviced by Riverina Water, click here.
Ground Water Bores
Council does not regulate the installation or licensing of Ground Water Bores. Please contact WaterNSW, click here.