General Manager, Executive and Organisation Structure

Greater Hume Council Staff Day 10 May 2018.jpg

The Council, as an elected body, is responsible for determining policy and overall strategic direction.

The General Manager provides a link between the Council and staff and is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Council.

The organisation structure below General Manager level comprises three departments: Corporate and Community Services, Engineering Services and Environment and Planning. The three Directors which head each department together with the General Manager form the Management Executive which manage the day to day operations of the Council and provide professional advice to councillors.

To contact the General Manager or a Director either phone T: 02 6036 0100 or E:

Colin Kane, Acting General Manager and Director of Environment and Planning


David-Smith-Director-Corporate-and-Community-ServicesLouise Frichot, Director Corporate and Community Services


Greg-Blackie-Director-EngineeringGreg Blackie, Director Engineering


Organisation Structure  


Greater Hume Council Organisation Structure.jpg



Click here to download the Greater-Hume-Council-Organisation-Structure.pdf(PDF, 122KB)