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Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
The Bald Archy is an Australian art prize, a parody of the Archibald Prize, an important portraiture award. It usually includes cartoons or humorous works making fun of Australian celebrities. It is judged by Maude, a cockatoo. It was founded by director Peter Batey.
Although created as something of a joke, the Bald Archy Prize has become an icon on the Australian art calendar (albeit an eccentric one), particularly because of the absurdist nature of the event, calling for irreverent comic and satirical images of well-known Australians.
It celebrates the lighter side of art and the larrikin Australian spirit, portraits that will make you think, make you talk and most of all make you laugh.
Holbrook Shire Hall, 40 Young Street, Holbrook, 2644, View Map
40 Young Street , Holbrook 2644