Council News from July 2022 Meeting

Published on 21 July 2022

The meeting was recorded and available for viewing on Council’s website

Business dealt with at the 20 July 2022 meeting included:

Council welcomed the new General Manager, Evelyn Arnold to her first meeting.

Council resolved for the Mayor and General Manager to execute the Deed of Agreement 2022 – 2026 for the Riverina Regional Library.

Council approved the construction of footpath in Adams Street, Jindera. Landowners will be notified of the estimated amount of their contribution to the project.

Council approved the construction of Kerb and Channel in Jindera Street, Jindera. Landowners will be notified of the estimated amount of their contribution to the project.

Meeting agendas and minutes are available for viewing at any time here on Council’s website

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Cr Tony Quinn | Mayor

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