Council News from March 2021 Meeting

Published on 23 March 2021

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Council currently permits 10 people to attend the public gallery.  Meetings are recorded and available for viewing on Council’s website  

Council will continue to hold the monthly meetings at Holbrook Library Complex.

Business dealt with at the meeting included:

Council resolved to forward a planning proposal to activate changes to the Greater Hume Local Environmental Plan 2012, which will result in changes to zoning and minimum lot sizes for four parcels of land at Culcairn.

Council resolved to reconsider projects which had been identified for funding under the fixed development consent levy development contributions.

Council consented for an intensive livestock (sheep feedlot) at Humpreys Road, Bungowannah subject to 19 conditions of consent.

Council resolved in accordance with the Greater Hume Community Participation Plan to place the draft Jindera Residential Land Use Strategy on public exhibition for 28 days. 

Council resolved to continue to detail the unrestricted cash line in its financial reporting and that Council write to the Office of Local Government expressing its objection to the removal of the line from the financial statements.

Council will provide public notice of its intention to lease a small public road reserve (out the front of) the Woomargama Hotel and subject to no objections, enter into a 5 year licence with the licensee of the hotel.

Council will undertake shared footpath projects in Urana Street, Jindera and McBean Street, Culcairn, and footpath and kerb and channel in Jindera Street, Jindera and that all landowners be notified of the amount of their contribution to the projects.

Council accepted an extension of works to Stage 1 Drainage Work at Gerogery, in order to complete the drainage works on the western side of Main Street. The tender amount was $117,125 (ex GST) with the current contractor being awarded the additional works.

Meeting agendas and minutes are available for viewing at any time on Council’s website.

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If you have friends and family visiting go to to be inspired and plan your day with lots of suggested tours and activities.

Cr Heather Wilton Mayor   


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