Holbrook Structure Plan Project

Published on 29 March 2023




Council will prepare a structure plan for the township of Holbrook which will determine a plan for the orderly growth of Holbrook for the next 20 years. The project will investigate the need for various forms of residential development (standard residential allotments, larger lot residential allotments and rural residential allotments), capacity to provide additional industrial land and determine the optimal configuration for commercial land. 

A footprint (map) has been proposed for the project’s study area. Click here to view the footprint map.(PDF, 946KB)


To Consider My Land for the Study

Land owners who are willing to consider rezoning land can complete the form below and return it via email to Council, E: mail@greaterhume.nsw.gov.au.

Holbrook Structure Plan Project(PDF, 2MB)

Holbrook Structure Plan Landowner Willing to Consider Rezoning Land Form(PDF, 164KB)



The Holbrook Structure Plan will build upon the Greater Hume Local Strategic Planning Statement(PDF, 5MB) adopted in 2019. 


Outcomes of the Plan

  • Background review of all relevant policies, strategies and reports for the township of Holbrook that have informed the growth of the town to date;
  • Undertake a constraints and opportunities analysis of land within Holbrook to identify land that is suitable for future residential, commercial and industrial purpose within the area of consideration (overleaf);
  • To cater for the residential needs of the community identify appropriate residential densities that reflect environmental and servicing constraints of the land, whilst avoiding land use conflicts with existing development;
  • Identify infrastructure and servicing capacities and constraints;
  • Identify area of environmental significance and the implications this has for future development;
  • Review how the existing RU5 Village zoning has impacted upon the development of Holbrook and consider whether the zoning regime should be changed to provide for future development outcome;
  • Investigate using land use zoning to consolidate the commercial area of Holbrook;
  • Discuss whether for Holbrook there is a need for an alternate contribution scheme;
  • In conjunction with Riverina Water, identify the most efficient way to integrate infrastructure and services and facilities;
  • Provide guidance on components of residential development such as residential design, future need for open space including links and networks to other open space, integration of residential land use with other major land uses, housing diversity and urban consolidation.


Key Steps

  1. Identify landowners within the defined footprint of the study who are willing to consider rezoning land.
  2. Also consider suitable land even if the current landowner has not requested their land to be considered.
  3. Engage key stakeholders to consult with them and develop a framework to guide actions for future development
  4. Deliver a strategy document which will guide the orderly growth of Holbrook for next 20 years that identifies distinct zonings.


Why Engage with Community

  1. Create awareness and community interest in the project
  2. Hear a range of stakeholder views and aspirations for future re-zonings
  3. Use a range of engagement techniques to gather a range of ideas to inform the development of the plan
  4. Seek feedback on the draft Holbrook Structure Plan.


Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Council has endorsed the Stakeholder Engagement Plan(PDF, 130KB) which will guide the project. 

The timeframe for the project is outlined below:

February - March 2023 Background Review
20 March - 5 May 2023

Consultation Phase 1

Community awareness of the study/project

Expressions of interest invited for landowners to submit land for consideration for inclusion in the Holbrook Structure Plan. EOI's closing on 5 May 2023

1 May - 30 June 2023

Issues and Opportunities Analysis

Engagement with EOI landowners, Holbrook District Community and Business Group, stakeholders, real estate agents, local Indigenous groups, investors/property developers. 

1 July - 31 August 2023 Preparation of the draft Holbrook Structure Plan
20 September 2023 Report presented to Council seeking endorsement for public exhibition of draft document
25 September - 3 November 2023

Consultation Phase 2

Public Exhibition. This stage will seek feedback and hear any concerns people may have about the proposed zonings.

20 December 2023 Report to Council following review of feedback and final report presented to Council for adoption.


For More Information:

Colin Kane

Director Environment and Planning

T: 02 6044 8928

E: ckane@greaterhume.nsw.gov.au

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