Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
Live Traffic NSW
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
Greater Hume Council delivers a diverse range of services and products which deliver progress and value to the community. Council is committed to ensuring fair, transparent and accountable process in the purchase of goods and the contracting of services.
The process for tendering, quotations and expressions of interest is prescribed in legislation and Council is required to conduct its activities in accordance with this legislation and adopted policies and procedures.
In addition to the Procurement Policy(PDF, 72KB), also maintains a Local Preference Purchasing Policy. More information on this policy can be found at Doing business with Council.
Greater Hume Council uses a range of methods to manage its tendering and quotation process including Vendor Panel, Tenderlink and on occasions seeking tenders and quotations directly from suppliers.
Current opportunities can be viewed here
The electronic procurement platforms (Vendor Panel and Tenderlink) have been designed to improve the speed and efficiency for both Council and our suppliers.
Council is implementing EFTsure software solution as part of its accounts payable processes to improve security measures.
Scope of Works and associated documentation can be downloaded following online registration from Council’s E-Tendering portal
Greater Hume Council introduced VendorPanel as our new e-Procurement process in May 2018, designed to simplify the way Council seeks quotations, releases and responds to tenders. VendorPanel is a web-based eProcurement platform used by hundreds of public and private sector organisations to increase transparency and compliance in quotation-based purchasing processes.
Greater Hume Council Debtor Information
List of all tenders currently lodged with us.